Wednesday 7 September 2016


OK guys I had to write about one of my personal experience.. Although I had to change certain things. I do hope you enjoy send me a personal message is the right place to send it to.

My name is Kel  and i am a student nurse.  Yes.  I know a few of you

would probably come up with some sort of a look on your face that says

" Kel? Nurse?"
Well,  i am a part three student in a federal University in Nigeria

and i really do love it here.  I didn't always love nursing.  Infact,

i used to really hate it here,  i wasnt forced to choose it,  i chose

it myself,  but i wasnt ready at first to be called "nurse!"  i am

comfortable here now,  i found passion for it. Not one those extra

zealous vibe people display towards their jobs but i like it here now.

And trust me it has nothing to do with all the pretty damsels i get to

be around effortlessly,  it has nothing to do with all the humongous

rack that are buried in my crotch during practical demonstratios and

succulent boobies that slap me here and there each time we have to

"gather round".  I just developed an overnight passion for this place.

Anyway,  i don't want to bore you with all the gist about how i found

myself here (nursing),  i'm just going to go straight to tales-
One thing about being a male in nursing school is that, there is this

Inevitable uneven ratio of males to females(especially in a university

in Nigeria) . In my case for example. There are two guys in my class.

2 dudes and 42 babes.  We are not so much,  i know. So,  one very

likely thing that would take place is you getting to shove a good

number them if you play your cards right.
Being surrounded relatively my so many lady beings,  i never always

perceived to be such a blessing.  Really,  i never did.   i often got

into conversations where i had to introduce myself and of course say

what department i belonged to and then guys were always like " damn,

thats awesome guy"
" are you the only guy in your class? "

" men,  you go get so many babes to your self oh?"

"guy,  share the blessing nau"

I often just laugh at such. I used to dismiss the idea back then.  Not

that i didn't like girls,  i like(d)  girls,  alot.  I always have and

i think i always will. I wasn't a saint or anything,  i lost my

virginity to our maid when i was in jss 1. And before that happened,

i had always been watching porn,  i used to read fashion magazines

and i'd fantasize about being in a room flooded with all of those

beautiful models with figures that were out this world.  Our maid

caught me watching porn on several occasions before she started

touching me inappropriately.  She'd let me touch her boobs and suck

them each time we were home alone.  She taught me how to blow a girls

brains out with nothing but my fingers.

" you see this your fingers,  they are important tools kel" poking in

my face her middle finger and her index finger in demonstration as she


She was really awesome,  she taught me alot of things .  Little wonder

why i was broken when she had to leave.  Mom discovered she was

sleeping with my older cousin who was in ss1 at the time,  each time

he came visiting . I don't know what she(mom) would have done she

found out that the maid was sleeping with her innocent only child as

well. She was fired when i was half way through jss 2. By then i had

already been practicing more on my neighbors kids and my seatmate in class.I was kind of a loner in the early days of my first year,  i still

have that trait till date but its not so intense as it used to be.

I used to jet out of class immediately lecture was over,  i didn't

have any friend in my class in 100L. I guess i used to think i was too

cool for this place.  First year students offering science courses get to receive their lectures at a building called "W. H. O".  After our(nursing) first two or three classes there, we all trooped down to our department for lectures.  During those times i usually would walk

alone,  with  my ears plugged or something.

This continued for a couple of weeks, then i started chatting

gradually with my mates.  I had really crazy roommates,  they were

just as bad as i was if not even worse.  They use have girls over

frequently,  sometimes i'd have to lurk around the hall when i return from class because they are either fucking a babe in the room or
preparing to.  I didn't get to sex any girl for while,  all i had was just making out with a random girl at parties we went to, Until Fola came into the picture.  Fola was a girl in my class.  She was one of the prettiest.  She was tall, dark complexioned girl ,  with moderate sized boobs and killer ass.  I have  a thing for girls with killer butt.  I had noticed her in class couple of times,  we weren't talking but she was the kind of girl that could hardly go unnoticed.  She had a kind of body one would often see in all those youtube twerk videos.So, It was a  fateful thursday evening,  after our GNS class,  and as usual, i was kinda on my loner vibes again.  I left the class before
any other nursing student,  we held the class with pharm students.There was this  pharmacy babe i had on my radar and i just thought that evening was the time to go for the kill.  I ran down the stairs
so fast,  i didn't even sign the attendance register that was being
passed around.  The pharm girl was with a group of friends and were walking towards the car park when i tapped her gently on the shoulder.
"hi" i said.  Still trying to catch my breath after the way i ran down the stairs."hello" she responded
"i'm Kel, we take GNS together "
With some sort of grin she replied " yeah,  i know you. My name is mabel"
"  i just wanted to say hi,  i was looking to see if we could hang out sometime,  i don't really have friends so much here yet"
She was just noticing her friends are now in the car and she is the only thing delaying them when she said " sure!! Uhm,  yh.  We could do that.  I have to go now,  we'd see in the next class"
"Ok,  then.  Later."
She hurried away.I didn't even get to get her number,  but i was sure i would next class and hopefully get to third base with her after next class.
I didn't have a car ( i still do not) ,  so i was of course going to
have walk to my hall,  i didn't want to take a cab.  My hall wasn't so far away.My classmates were all here by now, some squeezed into cabs at the bustop ,  while others, into other classmates' ride.Fola was at the bustop waiting,  perhaps another cab would show up and help her get to the school gate.  I would later learn that Fola was a rich girl,  that had her own apartment off campus and a room on campus as well.  She often stayed in her off campus apartment and only had the room in school for "having"  sake.
I said hi as i walked past and she responded with such enthusiasm.  I was by now having brief chat with my classmates but not her.
"are you going towards  the gate? "
" Please,  tell me you are " she beckoned
" yh, i am.  You wanna give me a ride?" i asked sarcastically.
She smiled,  such lovely smile she had. I noticed her pink lips that seemed as though they had been specially carved by the gods
themselves. As though the gods decided to put all other matter on hold
all in a bid to carve Fola those beautiful lips she had.
 "i'm the one needing a ride here,  Mr.""Can i tag along? i mean, you're walking right"
I shrugged in response,  indicating that i didn't mind.And  we were soon on our way. We got talking and then we soon started laughing at each others jokes. She occasionally had her hands rest on my shoulder  and poked me with her supple boobs as we walked.  She was just as tall as i was,  may be just a few inches shy off 6ft.  I am
exactly 6ft tall.She had a boyfriend of course,  she so conveniently made me aware of that fact.  He was not a student in this University, she also allowed me know that too. She explained how they had been dating for 3 years and she was getting bored of it all already.  She taught the relationship  too rigid,  the chats, dates,  and she taught their sex was boring as well.  Fola was very outspoken,  she held  nothing back She  quite seemed to have been enjoying my company and just decided to go with the flow.  She simply was amazed at how this loner guy in her class could  be such fun filled company.
She seemed smart,  considering how we delved into different subjects and she had one or two things to say that were reasonable enough. We soon  passed my hall and i told her i had to go.  She begged me to walk with her a little further, at least till she got a bike  that
would take her to the the gate.I knew exactly how i wanted this to play out. I was certain she was going to ask me to either walk with her a little further or wait with her till she got a cab or bike. All i was doing was testing how much she was feeling the nigga. I didn't have anything to do that was
urgent, either of my roommates were probably going be locked with a girl anyway.We stood there gisting time away.  It seemed as though we had known each other for more than just 30 minutes. Gist further brought gist and so this lead to us debating whether or not she was a great cook." i am awesome  man,  really  i am" she was so cocky
"You don't have an idea the kind magic i can make in the kitchen "" you could come over to my place right now to find out" she was all cocky and shit" well,  i'm not sure that's a good idea"
I said" do you have to do anything important immediately like now,  plus tomorrow is lecture free for us,  come on! "
I agreed. So we walked to the gate and then all the way to her apartment.  Her place was  quite nice.
" i have a roommate but she travelled home this morning"
"You can have your seat"
"can i get you something? " she asked
" water will do, i am kinda thirsty" i replied,  taking a swift gaze
around her sitting room.With a mischievous smile, she said "you are uhn?"
" Not to worry honey, ""i'm about to quench your thirst"
I had this puzzled look on my face,  not just 'cause of what she just said but the manner in which she said it.  I found her response in more ways than one sexual.  It certainly was.  It seemed to have been intended as well.  May be i am thinking too far but that response seem to have been laced with a certain amount "intended flirtatiousness".She  appeared minutes later with a bottle of water,  that was not the only new thing she had with. She had changed into shorts. Really Short shorts and a tank top.  She had no bra on,  all she had under the tank was a tube that covered only her breasts.  Her shorts were black and they hugged her butt real tight,  exposing her thick shiny thighs.  I couldn't stop wondering how she managed to fit those large mass of buttocks into those shorts.  She was really curvy,  her hips were as though they were intending to part from her entire pelvic region.
I was brought back to earth when she called out to me " here Kel,water."" oh ok.  Thanks. " stuttering as i jerked back to life She sat next to me,  picked the remote and turned on the tv.
" so, whats your story Mr? " she asked,  looking at me,  with her
brows distended upward.I shared with  her some stories from my secondary school days.  I wasn't really eager to get into the nitty gritty of myself with her
yet.She soon sat facing me slightly with one of her legs on the couch with her knees flexed,  bringing her thighs to much closer view,  as though
she was presenting them for observation. My eyes were occasionally
racing to her  boobs,  they looked so supple and i was picturing
already what delicious delicacy they'd be.
It was almost as though we had forgotten the real reason we were here, when she suddenly stood up.
" now,  i'm about to show how magical i can be in the kitchen"
I still managed to perceive "sexual"  written all over her Utterances.
She disappeared into a corner of the house again,  and i was left with the Tv she turned on before leaving. I. Made sure i feasted my eyes on the beauty before me, her massive rack, they  were indeed a lovely sight to behold.  The way they stood firm in that short,  poking out as though to tear out of her body was beginning to send spikes to my 8 inches.She reappeared few minutes later," i'm so sorry Kel,  we're out of cooking gas"" i dont think i can get any tonight"
"ouch,  so there's goes you proving how magical you  can be tonight "those words broke free from my mouth. I was trying to throw a bit of camouflaged flirting out there too.It was only normal that i did,  considering the fact that we've had
that hovering since we started talking.My eyes were again on her hips.  They kept heaving here and there as she walked towards me. She was muttering some things now that i wasnt even hearing anymore. She was even sexier than i had perceived her to be earlier.She soon noticed my covetous stare.  " you like what you're seeing?"  she asked
She had stopped about a 100cm away from were i was seated.
"oh yeah baby,  i so do "" i like em... "
Before i completed  my sentence, she let out " i like cars too,
especially porsche"Apparently,  she wanted me to believe she wasn't speaking of her body i was ogling. She'd have me believe she was referring to what was going on Tv"I would have believed her if she hadn't been flirty all evening.  i indeed would have believed her if she hadn't gone in there and came in that short and tank when she was supposed to be getting me water.  I certainly would have believed her. But i didn't, so i kept at whatever it was i was doing."i wasnt talking about tv Fola""I was talking about you" i said in such a gentle tone.
Still roaming my eyes all over her,  looking at her as though i had
been hypnotised and had lost my mind.She said nothing. There was a bit of silence for a few seconds.  Then she looked at me.  I could almost notice pink patches emerging on either sides of her cheeks.  Now she was walking towards me again.Looking me in the eye sternly, " you wanna touch em?"I didn't respond.I was lost in how much ravishing i wanted to give to that body of hers.She was now standing  right in front of me,  in between my legs,  as though to make me  have her at a closer view.  Having me look up at her.  It was an awesome view i must say.I sat up,  placed my palms on my knees,  as though to prevent myself from tearing her into shreds as much  i wanted to. Terrible things i wanted to do to her never left my head since i saw her in those
shorts, but still  i held back. This was 'cause i wanted to let her
take the lead role,  i would have torn her to pieces by now if not.
She placed both  her hands on my shoulders
"i could still show you magic afterall" still looking me dead in the eye.Her next move wowed me.  She took her tank off and then wrapped then round my neck.. I  soon grabbed her waist with both hands as she delivered to my very before,  the very beauty her apparel had
concealed.Her tummy was fleshy but yet flat. She was altogether a beauty to behold I ran my hands all over her,  from her belly,  to her hips and that mad ass i had wanted to grab all evening.  My cock was at
attention now.  It was beginning to create some sort of discomfort as my sitting posture paved little or no way for it to take the whole
floor down there.She pressed a passionate kiss on my lips,  her lips tasted as nice as they looked.  I soon began to fondle her boobs.  They were so soft and juicy.  Such supple and succulent entity. I paid such detailed
attention to every inch. She stopped abruptly,  looked at me and then began to waltz away,  away into that corner she had earlier
dissappeared into.I wasn't sure where she was going to,  but i was certain i was to
follow her.  I stood up,  took my sneakers off.  I followed her.
I followed her into the kitchen,  this is where she was bringing me to.  The kitchen.
She was indeed ready to make me see how much magic she could produce in the kitchen.  She stood by the counter,  looking at me.
"come here" she said
She grabbed me by my belt,  unbuckled them  and dragged my trousersdown.  I helped her take them off as well as my boxers.
She knelt in front me.She now was looking at my 8 inches in the the eye.  She held it spat on it,  and then she began to stroke it.  It was nothing  i had
felt before. She soon began to lick the cap,  letting it sink in the
flood of saliva in her mouth. It was an awesome feeling.  She
gradually began to bury my entire shaft in her mouth,  it was just
like what i used to see jessica Bangkok do in those porn videos i used to wank to.She knew what she was doing,  every single step of the way,  and she was doing it right.I was already in land "far far way",  a magical land that held nothing but pleasure,  sheer pleasure.I had my hand on her head,  pushing it further into my shaft,  jerking my waist forward to meet with her every move,  flowing with the rhythm we had managed to create. She sucked on my cock with such passion,sending spikes to my brain.  She was like a vamp on that dick,
bitting gently in the cap,  she made this vibration with her mouth,it was insane.  She fondled my sac as she sucked my dick.  She'd look me dead in the eye while she worked that dick and making all sort of noise as she lavished her mouth all over my shaft.
I pulled her away from my cock, had her lay on her back as i took her shorts as well as her  tube off.  She had no panties on.  She
certainly had this coming.I pressed kisses on her,  from  her belly button,  up her mid line,
to the space in between her boobs.  With one of my hands i cupped one of her jugs, not holding back at all, i lavished my lips,  teeth and
tongue on the other.   She let out passionate moans, groans lifting her head off the ground gently,  pressing my head on her boobs as though to tell me to continue whatever it was i was doing.  My other hand soon found its way to her cookie  jar.  I started out by rubbing all of its surroundings,  in order to make her anticipate the entry.
I rubbed her pussy lips for a few seconds and soon dipped my index finger into her.  It was a massive ocean down there.  I invited my
middle finger as well to the party,  twisting and turning both fingers around inside her.  She kept jerking her waist upward to meet each stroke.  She was muttering all sort of gibberish whilst holding her head with one hand as though to prevent an inherent explosion from occuring.After my fingers had taken her to a level of ectasy,  i decided take it even further by eating that pussy.  She was twisting and twirling as though she was having electricity run through her.  If i didn't
know better,  i'd say she was having some mild form of epileptic
attack. I had my tongue in her as i rubbed her clit with my thumb.After devouring that pussy for some time.  She began to wail-
" fuck me baby!! Please!! I want you inside of me kel!!!"
She was in another world,  certainly not this one.
I held my cock, put them in there. Gradually at first and then all at once.I began to hit that pussy. Pummeling away as though the fate of
humanity depended on it.  She was producing beautiful noises.  Noises that seemed to be pointing me in the right direction.
The flood down there wasn't helping matters at all as i kept feeling my dick hit a wall in here,  having her let out a groan as i hit that
wall. Her hands landed on my butt as i rammed into her, she'd grab my butt cheeks, pushing me further in,  jerking her waist upward and
clashing them into my crotch, screaming,  talking dirty,  almost at the top of her voice.
"harder Kel!!  Oh yeah!!!
Oh my god!!  Fuck me hard kel!!!
She'd opened her thigh even further, with her jnees flexed  to pave
way for my rod to further get in there.
I held  her now by one of her thighs with one hand, raised it high up,
 whilst i had my other hand on the ground just beside her head.  I began to ram my cock into her in full speed,  her scream was mind
blowing.  I watched her boobs danced in all directions as i pummeled
at such crazy speed. Her hands were restless,  they moved from her
head, to holding her boobs,  and fondling her nipples with her fingers
to grabbing my ass.
We soon helped ourselves to another position as she stood up, faced
the counter with both palms placed on it.  Her butt shot out,  while i
buried my cock in her from behind. I began to bang that pussy again,
i was hitting her real fast,  the sensation was even higher now.
The entire kitchen was filled with our aroma,  nothing but pussy juice
and the noise produced as my groin rammed into her massive rack in the
She was shivering all over,  struggling to have her feet remain on the
ground ,  i could feel what was coming.
" i'm cumming baby,  i'm cumming "
" oh kel"
I began to hit her even harder,  as i sensed an intense sensation
running down from different corners of me that i didn't even know
existed, i soon began to jerk my waist forward into her as i felt that warm rush of milky goo run out of me into her. We both let out a heavy sigh as we retired to the floor.  She placed her head on my chest,fondling my now numb dick,  rubbing off whatever available cum that was on there.
With a smirky smile on her face,  she said
" so,  was that magical or was that magical? "
I just chuckled. I slept over at her place that night and alot still
went down later.
***The end***

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