Saturday 10 September 2016


Keri blinked twice to be sure she wasn’t reading the notification wrong. Adnan? The same Adnan??? The hottie and certified DON of twitter big boys? You were not a cool kid on social media if you didn’t know the handle “@AdnanFox”. He was one guy every girl stalked endlessly on Twitter, Instagram and Keek. Keri had had many fantasies about him and even nicknamed her vibrator Adnan. If the guy posted a photo of his shit, he was sure to get 600 Likes on Instagram. The dude was too good looking for his own good. Keri knew that guys like these never lacked babes and she was sure he owned a pussy factory where he could pick whatever kind of pussy he wanted, whenever it suited him. Adnan looked like a guy who would do many bad things to a girl if locked in a bedroom with him.

She had no idea why he was following her. She hadn’t done anything extraordinary on twitter lately. As a matter of fact, she’d been off twitter for some days. The scene was beginning to bore her…. same old political gists, banters from smart-alecks, quotes from Oscar Wilde clones and un-required advices from ‘Churcheous’ housewives. Keri had real life problems that constant dwelling on cyber-space couldn’t solve. She had just gotten a new job and was trying hard to fit in with her overtly professional colleagues. Her love-life needed a boost after the disaster she called her last relationship and she was getting really tired of sleeping alone. The thought of inserting a vibrator into her pussy, for sexual gratification, made her wary. She wanted a man that would lay atop her, grunting in pleasure while he fucked her… she wanted to scream and grab a firm ass and feel a male sweaty body merge with hers. Keri wanted a man and that was the end of that!

She stared at the notification for a bit longer wondering what next to do. Ah! She thought of sending him a cheesy DM, thanking him for following her back but discarded the thought. Then she thought of changing her AVARTAR to something sexier… She discarded that thought too. Strange thought then crossed her mind; maybe Adnan was feeling magnanimous and decided its ‘FOLLOW A RANDOM’ day. She chuckled at the thought and dropped her phone as she spied the head of her department approaching. She shoved the thought of Adnan aside and turned back to her computer screen to continue the proposal she was working on.

She got home at 6:48p.m., tired, hungry and irritable. Thembi, her older sister whom she lived with in a two-bedroom flat, was applying her usual color-matte of make-up that made her look like a prostitute clown. Her sister wasn’t lucky in the male department. As a matter of fact, Thembi had shittier luck with men than Keri did. Where Thembi loved ANY man as long as he had money, Keri was all about looks. She loved fine boys, men, guys, dudes.. whatever they were called; so long as they were human, of the male species and possessed a penis. Keri’s love for handsome guys irritated Thembi to no end and she never stopped gripping about it. Keri, on the other hand couldn’t understand how her sister lived with herself after being dumped by yet another rich monkey. As a matter of fact, she couldn’t understand how her sister achieved orgasm with the kind of ugly men she touted about as boyfriends. It was safe to say, the sisters never agreed on issues bordering on men and relationships and Keri was fine with it. But, be that as it may, Thembi was never in short supply of men… Fugly Rich Men! Keri had a sneaky feeling that her sister used a professional pimp to land these men and if, indeed, her feelings were correct, Keri needed the pimp’s number ASAP.

She had dinner, showered, dressed in her favorite Big Bird nightshirt and lay down on her bed, with her iPad. She was prepared to tweet away her Friday night boredom and if that didn’t work, she would go on to Youtube and watch endless videos till she fell asleep. She logged on to twitter and her first tweet simply stated;


She smiled at her boring twitter-wit attempt and began to scroll down her TL. 10minutes later, she got a DM. Wondering who it was, she lazily tapped on her message icon and was surprised to find that it was Adnan. Keri’s suspicions heightened at his succinct message…

“… Can I have your BB Pin?”

She stared at the message for a bit, shrugged and punched in her BB Pin. She dug out her blackberry from her handbag just in time to receive his request. Keri accepted him, her heart beating excitedly for no clear reason.

‘Maybe Adnan wanted to discuss business or something…’ She thought.

She stared at her BB expectantly, waiting for him to make the first move. Sure enough, he did.

Adnan: PING!

Keri: Hiya…

Adnan: Hey… Finally!

Keri: LOL.

Adnan: I get to have a moment with the mysterious @KeriIsSoVery

Keri: LOL. U make me sound like a celeb

Adnan: But you are… A twitter celeb

Keri: Me? Naaah. I’m sure u’re mixing me up with someone else. I’m far from being a Twitter celeb. I’m just an ordinary workaholic who tweets to driveaway stress and loneliness

Adnan: And I’m Tu-face Idibia’s Father.


Adnan: Heheheeeee.

Adnan: So… I’m sure you’ve got plans for tonight. Clubbing and stuff…. You twitter celebs never lack fun.

Keri: Hahahahahaaa. I’ve got plans but they include Tweeting and sleeping, not clubbing. My life is boring like that…

Adnan: Really? On a weekend?

Keri: What can I say? #TeamForeverAlone

Adnan: I find that hard to believe. You look like a girl who gets it going everyday.

Keri: Gets what going??? Please o… I’m a virgin

Adnan: Yeah! Right!!! LOL.

Keri: LOL.

Keri: I’m actually surprised u asked for my BB Pin I won’t lie.

Adnan: To tell you the truth, I’m surprised myself. I kept saying “Adnan, what are you doing? What are you doing, seriously”

Keri: Wow! Then why did u ask for it?

Adnan: Do you want the truth or the edited version of the truth?

Keri: LOL!!! Let me humor u and go with the edited version first.

Adnan: Right! Well…. You’ve not been online for a few days and I kinda noticed.

Keri: Wow! Really?

Adnan: Yeh… You’ve not liked my photos on IG lately and you’ve not been on twitter for a few days. I kinda got worried that my biggest stalker was missing and I wanted to be sure you were alright.

Keri: Oh my God! U noticed me?

Adnan: Yeh…

Keri: Can I now kill myself? This is so embarrassing… OMG!

Adnan: I actually think its cute.

Keri: LOL! But how could u have noticed I wasn’t on IG when half the women on cyberspace crawl all over u?

Adnan: You’re the only stalker that never made an attempt to contact me. You’re just content with stalking and retweeting… and sincerely, that made me stalk you too. I’ve been waiting for you to make a move, like most girls do, but you don’t seem to wanna do it.

Keri: LOLOLOLOLOLOL. I’m content in my small stalking space o. I don’t ask for much.

Adnan: I had to contact you to be sure you hadn’t shifted that attention to someone else.

Keri: Hahahahaaaa. And if I had?

Adnan: I will just kill somebody.

Keri: Oh??? Why?

Adnan: …because I’m attracted to you…

Keri: Hmmmmm… I see.

Adnan: And the worst part is, I find myself getting a hard-on whenever I look at your pictures on IG.

Keri: Wow! U don’t mince words…

Adnan: I don’t see why I have to be pretentious.

Keri: Hmmmm…. Sooooooo… My pictures give u a hard on?

Adnan: Yeh.

Keri: Issokay o. I hear u. Now tell me the TRUTH.

Adnan: The truth is that… Hmmm…

Keri: What? U’re suddenly shy?

Adnan: Me? Shy? No! Not shy. I hesitate because I don’t want to offend you.

Keri: LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Don’t worry… I’m a good sport. I promise not to be offended no matter what u say.

Adnan: Ok. The truth is that I have an overwhelming urge to fuck you.


Adnan: And by fuck, I don’t mean stick my dick in, pound a few times, pull you on top of me and let you ride. The kinda fuck I want to fuck you will cripple you.

Keri: Jesu!!!!

Adnan: LOOOL! She said Jesu…

Keri: LOL. I’m speechless na.

Adnan: I swear, I intend to make you speechless. I want to stuff my dick in that your beautiful mouth and fuck it…

Keri: Ahhhhh….

Adnan: Then I wanna taste you and feel your juice all over my lips…

Keri: OMG!!!!!!

Adnan: You have no idea WHAT my head is planning for you

Keri: Wow! Oh wow!!!

Adnan: Fuck! Now I’m hard… Very hard…

Keri: Hmmm… I’m sure u have someone that can take care of that…

Adnan: I do, but I want YOU to take care of it.

Keri: Hmmmm…. So u r hard like right now?

Adnan: Yeh… Very hard… With veins popping and shii…

Keri: Snap it and send it to me so I know it’s real…

Adnan: Nope. I don’t send dick-pics

Keri: So I’m just supposed to take ur word for it?

Adnan: Yep!

Keri: Ok. But I don’t believe u. U’re just gonna wind me up and make me horny. Then feel cool with yourself

There is a brief pause in communication and she wondered if to ping him or not. Keri was so very horny. Reading Adnan’s chat and all he planned to do to her made her wet. She hated the turn this conversation had taken. She suspected that Adnan was merely chatting sex with her and would probably call one of his many girlfriends to come and fuck him while she would be left alone in her room, high and dry with her overworked vibrator. She heard the tinkle sound signaling an incoming chat and turned to look at her phone, wondering what he had to say. Apparently, Adnan had broken his NO-DICK-PICS rule because right there on her Blackberry was a photo of an big, black, slightly curved dick… And yes! She could see veins popping, though the photo wasn’t clear. A sudden heat engulfed her pussy at the sight of his dick. Keri swallowed painfully and sighed.

Keri: Jesu!!! See penis…. Kai

Adnan: That penis wants you so bad.

Keri: It will be hard not to want this penis though…

Adnan: Do you want it?

Keri: Who wouldn’t? But the real question is, can I handle it? What I’m seeing here is huge.

Adnan: Forget about handling it. I don’t need you to show me your sexual prowess B. All I want is for you to keep that pussy wet and moan in pleasure while I fuck you. I doubt if there’s any style you want to impress me with.

Keri: Ur modesty is such a turn-on… Duh! *RME*

Adnan: Fuck your sarcasm B. Are you wet?

Keri: Yes.

Adnan: How wet?

Keri: Very, very…

Adnan: Pic?

Keri smiled. He wasn’t the first guy to ask her for pussy-pic and sincerely, she didn’t mind. It was only a picture of her pussy… she wasn’t going to show her face. She’d shaved her pussy 2 weeks earlier but now, her pussy looked like a fertile ground experiencing spring. New pubic hair were sprouting out. Thankfully, they were fine strands, not the tight, nappy-looking ‘takoko’ hair some people carried about. She was proud of her pussy, with or without hair. The lips were full and fleshy and hid her clit well. She’d been told by past boyfriends that she had beautiful pussy and she prayed it remained that way even after childbirth. She spread her legs open and aimed her phone camera at it.

Click! Click! Click! Click!

She took several shots and perused them carefully. She had to send the one with the best angle. Several deletes and more shots later, she managed to get the perfect pussy-picture for Adnan. She smiled at the beauty of her vagina and sent it, her heart beating as she waited, almost breathlessly for his response.

1 minute… 2 minutes… 5 minutes… 10 minutes… Eventually, the expected PING!

Adnan: I am going to fuck this pussy all night… Tonight!

Keri: LOLOLOLOLOLOL. And how are you going to do that sir? Are you sending me a private jet from the UK?

Adnan: LOL!!!!!!! No. But I’m sending you a cab. I’m in Nigeria. I got in last night.

Adnan: Give me your address…

Keri’s eyes widened. She couldn’t believe it. Adnan… The guy she’d been stalking for close to 4 months was in Nigeria and wanted to see her. Keri didn’t have time allow her moral fiber kick up a lecture in her head; she was way too horny to listen to it if it did anyways, so she showered again, taking time to wash her pussy real clean. She dipped her finger inside, brought said finger out and sniffed. She smelt good. Then she washed her underarms, scrubbing them fiercely till the skin there smart. She washed her breast, taking time to clean out her nipples thoroughly. She spent a long time in the shower and when she finally came out, she could swear every inch of her gleamed. She checked her BB for further messages from Adnan.

Adnan: I’ve sent a Red-Cab your way. He should be with you in 30minutes.

The message was sent 15minutes ago. She slipped on a thin-strapped dress and didn’t bother with a bra. Her full breasts were beginning to show signs of depression but they held their own in the gown and her nipples peaked proudly. She didn’t bother with panties… there was no point. She brushed her long hair and twisted it into a single braid at the back of her head, put on light makeup and spayed on her precious bottle of EDEN. Then the wait began.
1 minute… 2 minutes… 5 minutes… 10 minutes…TENSION…

Keri: PING!
Keri: I haven’t seen the taxi o.
No response. Keri began to panic. ‘What if this is some sick joke on his part? What if its a bet and he wants to see how easy I’d fall?’ Her thoughts were not making her comfortable so she sat on her bed and grabbed her iPad. She had to do something… anything… to take her mind off Adnan and the blasted Red Cab.

20 minutes… 25 minutes… 30 minutes… FRUSTRATION… 32 minutes… DOOR BELL!!!!!

Keri sprinted out of her bedroom in delirious joy and relief. Thembi was already out of the house so she locked the door and tucked herself inside the taxi. Keri was both excited and scared. Everything was happening so fast and she was worried but she couldn’t help herself. The moment felt like a once in a lifetime opportunity and she didn’t think the gods of coitus would forgive her if she missed out on it. The taxi took her to Shonibare Estate and drove into a compound where a block of six flats stood proudly. She saw him almost immediately. He was speaking to someone on his cellphone. He was tall, slim and in person, looked unbelievably breathtaking. Keri got out of the cab and stood beside it uncertainly. Adnan ended his call and walked towards her with a smile.

“Hi… My name is Adnan” he said with a mischievous smile.

Up close, his eyes were captivating. They were brown and looked lazy… the kind of eyes people referred to as ‘sleepy eyes’. Keri’s thought reeled crazily. She couldn’t find her voice so she smiled shyly. He paid off the cab and gently grabbed her by the hand and led her up the stairs to the first floor of the building. He ushered her into a living room that looked like and advert for Homes and Designs. In the living room, was an incredibly beautiful lady. She was watching a movie. Keri exchanged brief greeting and Adnan tossed out a careless introduction…

“Keri, this is my cousin Zaharah… Zeezee, this is Keri…”
“Hey Keri… Have a splendid night” Zaharah said this with a knowing wink.
“Oh it would be splendid alright… Just make sure your ear-muffs are handy” Adnan said with a chuckle.

Keri almost died of embarrassment. Adnan led her into a room. It was bright and looked tidy enough. He offered her a seat on the small sofa in the room while he opened the small table-top fridge in the room. He got out two cans of Redbull and handed one to her.

“I don’t drink alcohol…” He told her apologetically.

She accepted the drink in silence and took a sip.

“Why so quiet Keri” he asked, his beautiful eyes drilling a hole in her face.

She cleared her throat self consciously and dropped her can of Redbull on a side table.

“I’m wondering what game you’re playing and how soon I’d realize the error of my ways.” She told him sincerely.

Adnan was silent for a bit. He sipped his drink and stared at her so intently that she had to avert her eyes.

“Let me tell you a little secret… I’ve been stalking you madly. I saw a photo of yours on IG… You were lying on your bed, obviously, you hadn’t showered but… In that photo, I saw something In your eyes… I saw sexual contentment. Your smile was mischievous and that photo was obviously taken by the person who put that smile on your face. And for the first time in a long time, I had a hard-on… Just by staring at a girl, in a funny Big Bird nightshirt, navy-blue socks, full pouty lips that looked like they’d been kissed all night and a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. And I was hooked!”

“Wow!!!!” Was all Keri could say.

Adnan walked up to her and held out his hand. Keri took it and he pulled her up and close, making sure their bodies touched. Keri’s body jolted in shock when she felt the bulge of his erection.

“You feel that? Does that feel like a game to you? That happened the minute you stepped out of the taxi. You’re attracted to me, no doubt about that. BUT, I am super attracted to you and after seeing the picture of your pussy, you don’t want to know what I’ve done to you in my head.” He told her.
Keri, overcome by a sudden confidence reached down and touched his bulge, rubbing it slowly and enjoying the heat she felt there. She smiled up at him.
“Fuck! You have a dimple… I’m gonna fuck it and fuck your mouth and fuck your breast and then I’m gonna fuck that beautiful, wet pussy till we both pass out, exhausted. And when I wake up, I’m gonna fuck you awake and keep fucking you till the sperm dries up in my balls. So drink up your Redbull because you’re gonna need the energy”

“Shut up abeg!” Keri told him with a chuckle.

Adnan kissed her then. The kiss was meant to be slow and romantic but it was deep and passionate, almost making her breathless with the intensity of it all. Keri grabbed his shoulder to stop herself from melting into a puddle… Her legs had already gone spaghetti on her. Adnan grabbed her breast, squeezing it with an urgent need that made Keri’s pussy pool instantly. Breaking the kiss and pushing away from her, he led her to the huge bed in the room and made her sit on the edge of the bed. Then he stood before her, his eyes dark and needy.

“Undress me…” He told her.

Keri reached for his jeans and unfastened the buttons and slid down the zipper. His dick sprang free and she looked up at him. He rewarded her with a smile. She grabbed the dick and caressed her cheek with it, enjoying the heat against her skin. He watched her rub his dick head all over her face, tracing her brows, the outline of her eyes, nose and lips with it. He was breathing hard and watching her like a snake watching its prey. She flicked out her tongue and licked her lips. She knew he was expecting her to take him in her mouth but she didn’t. Instead, she smiled and aimed his dick head at the small dip of her dimple. He gasped as he watched her simulate sex with her obviously small dimple dip. He saw his precut leave its slimy residue in her dimple and groaned at the sight. He removed his t-shirt hurriedly and lay on the bed, gloriously naked. He motioned for her to take off her gown. Keri did, not minding that her thighs looked a tad flabby. shame had evaporated and was now replaced by a sexual need so strong, she was almost climaxing at the sight on Adnan lying on the bed. He told her to come on top of him and turn in the 69 position. Keri turned, positioned her ass above his face and grabbed his dick as if for support. Adnan stared up her her beautiful pussy, ,his mouth yarning to taste her. He pulled down her ass eagerly and kissed her lips softly. Keri’s moan rang out. He then spread her fleshy pussy lips open, exposing her clit. He placed his tongue on it and felt the small knob pulsating. He twirled his tongue around the clit and felt it tighten and elongate then he sucked it…

Keri screamed out in pleasure throwing her head back; her purpose for Adnan’s dick, forgotten in her pleasure. He sucked on her clit nonstop, ignoring her attempt at raising her ass up to break contact between her pussy and his mouth. He pulled down her ass, grinding his face into it as his tongue found her core and dug in. Keri couldn’t help her screams. Adnan was eating, sucking and tongue-fucking her in a way no man had ever done. She shivered, her body vibrating sporadically as her orgasm crept up and overtook her with an unexpected wave. Adnan gently pushed her away, got up to get a condom, slipped it on and positioned himself, SCISSORS-STYLE above her. He aimed and dug in his dick. Keri jerked and grabbed at his thigh, clawing it with her long nails. His thrusts were slow, precise and calculated. Her left leg was on his shoulder and he held her thigh, pulling her closer as he increased his pace. Keri almost ran mad with pleasure. Her screaming rang out so loud that Adnan reached blindly for the remote control of his sound system tucked under his pillow. He did not stop fucking or break his pace. He fucked her and punched the remote control. The room was immediately filled with the voice of Seal. Adnan smiled as she started clutching any and everything her fingers could grab and pulled them to her face. He knew she was heading towards her second climax of the night. He leaned down, closer… as if to kiss her and heard her moan out a strangled “I’m gonna cum… I’m gonna cum…” He increased the pace of his thrusts and felt her cum, his condom clad dick getting even more slippery as her juice washed over it. She was gasping so loud he thought she was going to have a heart attack. He rolled off her, giving her a chance to catch her breath.

He got off the bed and grabbed his can of Redbull, sipping and watching her jerk slightly as the last of her climax washed over her. She curled up in fetal position and hugged herself.

“Are you ok” he asked?

“Fuck! My toes are tingling… my whole body’s fucking tingling!!!” She said, bemused.

“You say it like its a bad thing…” Adnan said as her pulled off the condom. he tossed it carelessly on the floor, downed his can of drink and returned to the bed.

“You haven’t cum… And now your dick is all limp” She said softly.

“I have no problem getting this small man up. all I need do it look at your lips or your pussy and its up. Besides, I’m not gonna cum unless I want to, but I’m gonna make sure you cum over and over and over again…” He smiled at her. “you wanna ride me? You feel up to it?”

Keri sighed. Adnan chuckled and pulled her in a kiss. It was soft, tender and passionate and made Keri melt emotionally.

“Lemme allow you rest a bit…” He told her when he release her from the kiss.

With a grateful sigh, Keri turned her back to him and sidled nearer till their naked body touched his. They were SPOONING in companionable silence when his dick stirred back to life and poked her in the ass. He let out a low groan.

“I can’t believe how much I want you…”

Raising her right leg up, he grabbed his dick and guide it towards her pussy. For someone tired, she was surprisingly very wet. He teased her pussy lips with his dick head, getting her juice all over it.

“I want to know how your pussy feels without a condom. I swear, I’ll just put it in and remove it.mi need to feel you on me…”
He didn’t wait for her consent. He slipped into her, pushing in slowly till she took his full length in. Keri moaned and moved her hips but his hands stilled her.

“Don’t move or I won’t be able to stop myself…” His voice was deep with need.

Keri lay still, enjoying the feel of his throbbing dick inside of her. Then she clenched her pussy muscles and felt it grip him slightly. Adnan groan and pulled her ass closer. She squeezed again and he slipped out of her. He got off the bed to get another condom. Her wiped her juice off his dick and slipped on the fresh condom. Then he positioned her on all fours, pushing her waist down till her ass was up in the air. Parting her ass, he pressed a thumb on her clit and rubbed it in circular motion. Keri moaned in pleasure, jiggling her ass in response. He dipped one finger into her pussy and licked off the juice from his finger then replaced the finger with his dick. Keri gasped as he filled her pussy and moaned aloud at the goodness of his dick. She grabbed the shits in anticipation… And she anticipated right because Adnan began to fuck her fast… Faster… FASTER…


He fucked and watched her ass bounce with every impact…
Heard their bodies collide continuously with a slapping sound…
He heard her scream out his name and reach to apply pressure on her lower abdomen…
Her screams cloaked him…
Thrilled him…
Excited him…

He entered deeper and deeper and she screamed out “FUCK” and allowed sobs to ecstatic joy escape her… Then he came!

Adnan groaned and grabbed her hips; almost bruising her… His ass clenching tightly as he shot thick goo into the condom. He let Keri go and she fell on the bed tiredly, her throat parched. She wanted a drink but didn’t think she could stand up straight. Adnan was lying on his back panting. He turned his handsome face to her and smiled. She smiled back at him. Pulling her into his arms, they lay together catching their breaths. 30 minutes later, he spoke up. Keri thought he was asleep because his hard breathing had eased.

“I’ll be in Lagos till Sunday. Then I leave for Abuja first flight on Monday. I’m supposed to return to UK via Abuja but I’m gonna have to cancel that plan and leave via Lagos. I need to be with a certain someone and fuck her well enough to last me till my next trip back to Naija.”

“What if that certain someone doesn’t want to fuck you anymore” She asked with a smile.

“Don’t be playing rough play o… I can be a mean nigger where good pussy is concerned”

“We’ll then, you don’t have a problem. You have loads of good pussy around you.”

Adnan smiled. He had no future plans for now. He had three girlfriends and several jump-offs and he had no qualms absorbing Keri in as girlfriend number four. But for this trip, he resolved to fuck her and her alone… and he was going to make sure she was at his beck and call.

Keri smiled. She had fucked the Twitter big boy that every girl craved. She wasn’t stupid… Guys like these had millions of girlfriends lurking around them… There was nothing special she could bring to the table except herself. She was gonna be available to him on this trip but as soon as he left Nigeria, that was it. She wasn’t going to hold on or expect a fairy tale ending with him.

They sigh simultaneously, smiled that the coincidence and snuggled into each other’s arms, allowing their individual heartbeat lure them to dreamland.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Keri woke up groggily… Wondering where she was and why she woke up when she was still sleep as fuck. Then she felt the sensation again… And again… Adnan lifted his head from her pussy, his eyes dark and glazed. Spreading her legs wider apart, he LAN over her, making sure his weight wasn’t fully on her. He reached down and guided his fully engorged dick into her and her her gasp… That wonderfully glorious gasp that escapes her at first thrust…
Then he covered her mouth in a kiss.


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